Do you have that one little secret that keeps coming around to bite you in the ass? I'm sure you do. I know I have more than my fair share of skeletons in the closet trying to haunt me. The really unfair thing is that they're biting me in the ass even after I've done all I can to prevent it, including telling those most important to me as soon as I feel I can trust them.
It just doesn't work so well when they have a really bad memory. *gives look* Though I suppose it's not their fault.
*sighs* It's really scary when your skeletons have a nasty habit of chasing those you love away. They're the reason Brent walked out on me, after all. He didn't want a damaged daughter. I wasn't good enough anyway, but I guess when he learned about my dirty, little secrets, the shame grew too great.
The really funny thing though, is that his walking away is the reason I stuffed my skeletons to the very back of the closet, where they belong. So, as much as I resent the bastard for turning his back, I suppose I kinda oughta be thankful. After he left, I had no more burning desire for perfection... and I had no reason to participate in stupid things I didn't like either (ie. cheer leading or paying attention to football). I was able to try things that sounded like fun (ie. THEATRE).
Still, I know my secrets, no matter how long ago or how buried they are, can cause some serious damage. That's why I tell people before I invest too much of myself. After all, who want to invest their all in a relationship, then have a skeleton fall out of the closet while their loved one is getting a coat and have it all come crashing down around their heads.
Not I.