Sunday, February 15, 2009
My grandfather lied to my grandmother. I guess it runs in the family. My father also lied to my mother. Yet, I seem to be the only enlightened member of the family. Due to my avid curiosity, I come across many family secrets, including those that should have remained hidden. For you see, the men in my family apparently have a tendency to wander.
During my younger years, I greatly enjoyed wandering the vastness of my grandparents' attic and exploring the many trunks and crates. I uncovered may great treasures here, as well as the love letters from Elizabeth Rogers, dated long after my grandparents had wed.
My father's secret came in the form of a phone call. A young woman, Eloise Bryant, calling my father, asking him to give her away. The query was quite puzzling, because while I knew the young woman, I didn't know her bond with my father.
Eloise was my half-sister, but everyone thought she was my cousin. I remembered vaguely the scandal behind her pregnancy, because she claimed Eloise's father was unknown. But the idea that her father and mine were one and the same was completely alien.
It would seem that the many "business" trips my father journeyed on, were not actually for business. He had secretly been raising two families.

- Hannah Jo 2009

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posted by Jill at 10:39 PM |


At February 16, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Blogger Mariah said........
It's weird when you uncover family secrets, it leaves that bitter taste in the back of your throat. AND, by the way... YES! Snake bile extract works and it doesn't tast bad AT all