Sunday, July 26, 2009
We were growing up, budding in a new found sexuality that we were just as unwilling to admit as our parents.


He's a beautiful young man who writes me poetry and sings me lullabies.


"What do you mean you don't know how to fight? Jenny, you have three older brothers!" Elsie glared around the living room, surveying each of the boys in turn. "None of you guys ever taught your little sister how to throw a punch?! What if Romeo here tried something!" Elsie gestured at Jenny's boyfriend for emphasis.

Chad gestured frantically as he defended himself. "I would never!"

"Why's that?" Jenny stepped in front of her boyfriend, indicating that he was moving into dangerous water.

"Jenny! You have THREE older brothers!"

"Smart move, Romeo." Elsie said, as she curled up next to her favorite of the aforementioned older brothers.
posted by Jill at 1:06 AM |