Thursday, March 5, 2009
"I'm sorry,"
your false apology
rings in my ears.
"I didn't mean to hurt you"

You think that
automatically gets you off the hook?
For everything else?
You think that’s good enough?

Two little words,
whispered over a static phone line,
are supposed to atone
for all the damage done.

Supposed to repair
years of hurt,
dry the tears
I cried over you.

Honey, that may have worked
in the past
but no more.

I'm through with this,
Because I finally realize
I'm worth far more
than broken promises
and whispered lies.

- Hannah Jo, 2009

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posted by Jill at 11:49 AM |


At March 6, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Nicely written. It is amazing how, more often than not, those two words mean nothing...