2. Why are you going that way, you dumb lug; I'm over here!
3. The possibilities include: fighting for everything you've ever wanted or giving up and letting her walk away. And, I hate to tell you this, bud, but I don't think she's going to come back if you leave her again. I don't think she'll be able to handle it.
4. Chicken and Dumplings, just like Momma used to make, is one of my favorite cool day recipes.
5. How will you know that it's really over, if you don't try to make it last? Look at me, Perce. Is she worth it?
6. The empty apartment echoes the thunder and is lit only by the flickering candles and a stormy sky, as Elsie slowly enters. She blinks, taking it in, surprised to see that he is standing in front of her.
"I thought you were leaving for Boston, today." She whispered, taking a small step towards the man she loved.
"I didn't go. Didn't want to go. Not leaving you." Percy stepped closer to her, cupping Elsie's cheek with his palm.
"But your job? I thought it was your chance to prove yourself."
"Fuck my job. I only want you. I made the mistake of putting my job first before, and I thought I lost you. Thought you were gone forever." He tilted his head, kissing her. "I don't want to make that mistake again."
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Sleep, tomorrow my plans include Homework and working the concessions for the football game, and Sunday, I want to Finish my homework and go to rehearsal!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Sleep, tomorrow my plans include Homework and working the concessions for the football game, and Sunday, I want to Finish my homework and go to rehearsal!